Le cheminement intérieur de Marthe Robin est dévoilé grùce à la publication de son "Journal". Découvrez-le en ligne...
Prayers, words and writtings of Marthe Robin
Prayer of Marthe Robin: self-offering in adversity
O Jesus, you were God and your love prompted you to become a man!
Man and God together.
O Jesus, you said, "no one takes my life from me, I lay it down of my own free will."
I beg you, may we suffer and die like you, not because we have to or like slaves but freely, like saints and with love!
You also said, "no one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends."
O Jesus, may we imitate you in our trials, our diseases, at the moment of our death, may it be an act of generosity to your greatest glory, to your greatest love... and better still, that it may be an act of surrender and love!
O my God, may my life of suffering serve my parents, my friends, my benefactors, all Christians, the poor sinners, the unbelievers, the proud, the persecutors, my dear parishes, my noble country and all of humanity, that is, God.
Oh! no! not to die as a result of weakness or grief, or because of illness, but like Jesus and with Jesus, to die of love.
To read :
- Acte d'abandon et offrande à l'amour et à la volonté de Dieu
- Words on picture
- Accounts of the Passion
- Marthe Robin's prayer for priests
- Prayer of Marthe Robin for priests and for the world
- Prayer of Marthe Robin: Immaculate Virgin
- Prayer to "Mary, Mother of Mercy"
- Marthe Robin's prayer for France
- Prayer for a conversion
- Prayer of Marthe Robin: after communion...
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