Prayers, words and writtings of Marthe Robin

Words of Marthe Robin

Read some of the phrases written by Marthe Robin, taken from her "Journal" or her conversations, depending on the topics that interest you.


"All my actions, I want them to be radiant, divine: all of them are perfected in the encounter with God.”


"The reason why this confused world is drifting aimlessly is largely because there is too much action and not enough adoration.”


"In our trials […], let us act like the apostles: Let us wake up our sweet Lord who is pretending to sleep and ask him with confidence and perseverance for his help and assistance."

"It is by contemplative prayer and trust in God that the soul patiently endures all trials, while always living by him in humble and perfect union."

"Isn't adversity the powerful means by which we progress spiritually? (...) Doesn't Divine Providence extend its powerful protection, at every instant, upon those souls living in hope?"


"Yes, until the end of the world, I will be the apostle of Love. As long as there are still people on earth who are suffering, struggling, journeying in error, I will intercede for them, I will come to their side to love them, rescue them and show them the way to their real homeland.”


"By our baptism, we have been grafted to the divine tree, like wild stock; we have been implanted, incorporated into Christ.”

"We must nurture this inner life, the true life and increase it constantly, by cultivating and increasing in us the great life of faith and love.”

"Oh, how extraordinarily great is the Christian life […]. It makes us children of God, closely united to their Father, as Jesus the Son of God is united to his Father.”


"I love everyone, because it was to God that I turned to ask for the capacity and knowledge to be able to do it. And the better I know them, the more I love them.”


"My God, you who always listen to the prayers of children, do not ignore my supplications, because my prayers come from the depth of my heart.”


"Glory to God!
Can I sing something more beautiful than this!
May God be known, loved, glorified by all!
Christmas! Christmas! (...)
God lowering Himself to the level of His creature, so that the creature can come to Him...
Christmas! Christmas!... it is Jesus the Redeemer!
What can we contemplate that is more beautiful than this?
What can we admire that is more sublime than this?
What can we adore that is more wonderful than the birth of the Son of God, Jesus, come to bring and kindle the fire (His Fire) on earth.”


"The Church is a single 'family home' in which all those who are willing can receive teaching, help, wisdom and the sacraments, which are necessary for sustaining the spiritual life in the soul."

"Lord, come and bless us... Come to the help of the Holy Church, our Mother. Save the work of your mercy."

Communion and Eucharist

"Let us thank the Lord who will make our poor little heart his temple... and I could even say, his heaven.”

"Holy Communion: love surrounds me! I feel completely overwhelmed, penetrated with love.”

"Give to God the best you can offer, the best of your soul, the best of your heart, the best of your life and your whole life."

"The host of your sacrifice, of your mass, is yourself; it is you with everything you are, everything you have, everything you do."

"Every Christian life is a mass, and every soul in this world is a host."

"Mass is not compulsory, but necessary."

"How beautiful [...] is our priesthood, which is acted out in secret and in silence, hidden like Jesus in the host."

"Let us thank the Lord who will make our poor little heart his temple... and I could even say, his heaven."

"Holy Communion: love surrounds me! I feel completely overwhelmed, penetrated with love."

"Divine Eucharist! (...) Jesus in me! The heart of my God beats in mine."


"I aspire only to live unknown and loving; my adorable Jesus, may all those who come to me leave feeling comforted, when they are crying, may they be lifted up, when they are overwhelmed, may their joy continue for days with the memory of a word, a look or a smile.”

"This divine union and fusion of love is the strength and life of my soul."

"Jesus is the friend who comforts me in every situation.”


"Despite all its brokenness, the love of two people who give themselves freely to one another remains one of the most sublime things here on earth.”


"It is by always keeping my gaze inwardly fixed upon the divine goodness of Jesus that I receive the courage and patience I need so much.”


"The Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Cross is the impregnable dwelling place that I have chosen on earth. Jesus shares all our sorrows; he wants to decorate all our crosses with flowers.”

"When you surrender yourself, take up your cross, follow Jesus and carry your cross, with Jesus, it is not like having a millstone around your neck; rather, it is like having wings for your heart, it is joy, happiness and heaven in his life.”

"A soul only really rises up properly with the cross, because, with the cross, we always have the Good Lord with us!”


"I have but one great and immense desire, to love and to get others to love the Good Lord.”


"Oh! Yes, God thinks about me, he has thought about me from all eternity. I know that he is there. He looks at me, he surrounds me with his love.”


"Divine Eucharist! (...) Jesus in me! The heart of my God beats in mine.”

"Mass is not compulsory, but necessary.”

"How beautiful [...] is our priesthood, which is performed in the background and in silence, hidden like Jesus in the host.”


"I see more and more clearly that souls can only be won over for God through kindness and love.”


"Faith is a gift from God, you do not give yourself faith, you ask for it..."

"Some people think that they have lost their faith, but it is just buried in the ashes.
You need to blow on them to rekindle the flames.
Often, all it takes is one soul full of faith to make it radiate everywhere, one soul full of light to dissipate the darkness, one soul full of love to see it overflow on all sides.”


"Prayer must become part of family life, it is so important that parents pray with their children around them. The desire for prayer increases when we are crushed.”

"When, therefore, O all-loving God, will you give me the immense joy of a profound communion of the soul with my dear ones, especially with my beloved parents!”


"God never separates himself from his gifts, by giving them to us, he gives himself with them.”


"God is good. God is Father. God loves us. God has compassion and softens all our sufferings."

"The love of God is the strong and protective love of a father, the sublime love of a mother."

"God will be with me always, no matter what night surrounds me."

"Everything changes into joy, everything is transformed into the love of God, it is he who changes the darkness into dawn."

"May God love us! May his love overflow everywhere!"

"When we understand this love of God for us, we will find that eternity will not be long enough to thank him."

"In his fatherly love, God puts in our hearts every grace of light and strength (...) to draw us to him."

"The Father loved us so much, each one of us, that he has given us his only Son and he has given him to us through Mary, so that we might have a mother, a mediatrix who is close to him."

"To seek God alone as our consoler and friend is to win over the heart of the Father that is full of mercy and to receive the sweetness of his loving embrace."


"Happiness is easy with God and becoming holy is simple... just love.”

"Is it possible that God loves us to this extent!
It seems like our happiness is part of His own happiness.”

"God is my master, a good master, a wise and clear-sighted master, a powerful master who is full of love! (...) He alone is my current and my future happiness... He alone is everything for me.”

"God did not create souls for anything but their eternal happiness!”


"Whatever the time of the harvest, provided that the good is accomplished, may faith flourish everywhere and may the bright flame of love be kindled in all hearts.
When a soul is generous with God, he also shows his generosity, the sure way to be filled with more blessings.”


"You who suffer, come to him, for he heals broken hearts.”


"Everything in my heart is peace, joy, trust, hope, love.”

"O my Jesus, keep me always in your beloved arms, you whom I love so much.”


"Let us not look too far forward, nor too far back, but always above.”

"My little room has become a real heaven now, since I am aware of these words of Our Lord:
‘Behold, I am with you, yes, to the end of time.’"

"Unknown and ignored, it will be my privilege in heaven […]
I will watch over my dear ones, over everyone.”

"To go to heaven you must have, it is enough to have a loving soul, but to have a heavenly soul, a heart that is free and full of divine love, a body that is patient and obedient in all things, to aspire to reach the summit of perfection... you must love!”


"My God! Keep me fully wrapped in you at the disposal of all. May each person find the help he needs in me at the right moment.”


"Trust and love sanctify.”

"One does not become holy by copying the saints, one becomes holy by living in union with Jesus.”

"To be holy, you must love, love, love...”

"By calling us all to holiness, Christ responds beautifully to the ardent desire we have to rise up through faith and love to unknown summits.”

Holy Spirit

"Holy Spirit, God of love, come as a mighty wind, in our cathedrals, in our churches, in our chapels, in our prayer groups and in the most luxurious houses as well as the most humble dwellings.
Fill the whole earth with your light, your consolation and your love.
Come, Spirit of love, bring to the world the freshness of your sanctifying breeze. Surround all men with the radiance of your grace!
Lead them all into the splendour of your glory.”


"Humility is self-knowledge in God, the truth is the knowledge of God in himself and in us. These two virtues give rise to hope."

"Love, united to hope, can withstand all trials. "

"With confidence and love, I accept the present by living in hope. "

"I trust in peace and faith which alone give hope and courage."

"To seek God is faith... to find it is hope... to know it is love..."

"Hope is to recognise the graces God gives us while expecting the blessings he promises us."

"Jesus, yes, Jesus alone is my sweet and constant hope; even if I were to be assured of my eternal condemnation, I would still continue to hope in him, because nothing can separate me from his love."


"May there be a single soul full of God in every house; that soul will fill the house with Him.”


"All perfection is in love... All holiness is in humility.”


"We can never, ever rejoice enough in giving up our whole life to God. He is so generous in giving a hundredfold in return for everything we give him…”


"Jesus is for me the book of books.”

"If I contemplate Jesus suffering, dying for us, a virtue comes from him and fills me with confidence.”

“Sweet Lord Jesus, I await everything from your tenderness, I hope for everything from your goodness!”


"Joy is the radiant disposition of the soul turned towards its God.”

"I know now the purest, the sweetest joy one can know: that of living for others and for their happiness.”

"I have found true joy, the only one that can be envied: that of living for others and for their supernatural and divine happiness.”

"May God make me a true foyer of light and love, a word that bears his joy.”

"Always be cheerful and joyful even in affliction... it does so much good!”


"A word of kindness is a loving touch to the soul.”


"Our life is precious! It is beautiful!”

"May my life be a song of love and gratitude and nothing else, and let me live as I dream of dying:
simply by love.”


"God never tires of loving and he can never get enough of being loved.”

"A soul can be ignorant of many things and yet it can know how to love God in a beautiful way.”

"Love Jesus like Mary loved him. Love Mary like Jesus loved her.”


"Love can take the place of everything. Outside of love, everything else is nothing.”

"Everything in love and everything will be divine.”

"My God and my all, I implore you, make my life an incessant act of love and may my passage on the earth be for doing good alone.”

"Oh my God, permit me, permit us to take a step forward in your love each day.”

"No, nothing is impossible to love!
Love makes everything possible, easy and simple.”


"Being little and uncomplicated like a child is what attracts God: when we are infants, God does everything.”

"My only worth, my only beauty is to remain very small in the place willed by God, all adoring and silent in the night of the earth.”

"I, who would dearly prefer that the great secret of my life could remain unknown to all!
Oh! yes, let us learn to make ourselves very small and to do nothing without the advice, help, inspiration and consent of our beloved Queen! May she be the fullness of our trust and hope in God.”


"Oh! The beauty of man's destiny! Beholding God... loving him... praising him... blessing him... contemplating him for eternity.”


"My motto is: everything to Jesus by Mary, Mediatrix of all graces.”

"Passing humbly and silently like Our Lady, doing good... spreading happiness. What can be more essential?”

"God gave us Jesus by Mary, so we must go to Mary to reach Jesus.”

"Jesus delights in us when we tenderly and faithfully love his tender Mother.”

"This beloved Mother was more than a star to me, she is a lamp for my feet.
O faithful Virgin [...], help us all to fulfil our lives according to God's divine plan.”

"The soul that is in united with Mary advances daily to the heights of perfection.
What an example we have of an inner life, from which we can learn, in the life of Mary's soul!”

"The beautiful mission of Mary is to bring to Jesus all who go to her.”

"O Mary, show us the manger, show us the cross, show us the altar, show us Jesus!”

What an example we have of an inner life, from which we can learn, in the life of Mary's soul!
In it you will find the fullness of hope, of life and of virtue.”

"Mary is the omnipotent and merciful Mediatrix who watches over her beloved children and poor sinners with tender love because she also loves the children of her sorrows.”

"It is by Mary, with Mary and in Mary that I will go to Jesus and be totally his. If we only knew the delightful and intimate union experienced and enjoyed by the souls who live in the company of the divine Mother of Jesus, our Mother.”

"O Mary, teach us to pray, to forgive, to love, to sing the wonders of the Lord.”


"All the desires of Jesus are to fill the extreme limits of our misery with the marvellous and immortal treasures of his mercy.”

"God fills the heart, he fills the soul to overflowing when our hands are empty.”

"We can expect some merciful surprises from the one who is infinite love.”

"I surrender the present and the future to his infinite mercy that is always full of love for everyone of our souls.”


"Christians can do something very great, very beautiful and divine, during every minute of their lives, if they really want it.”

"Every minute given to God in love is a step towards holiness.”

"I entrust all things to my beloved Mother and I surrender myself entirely in her arms; finally, may she help me to sanctify and offer to God every minute he gives me in all that it contains.”


"My mission is to get people to love him by overflowing with love, I must therefore seize every opportunity to spread light and truth.”

"How beautiful and moving is the mission of little souls, the little drops of dew from heaven; they receive the divine secret from the Lord to accomplish great things for his love and for heaven without praise, without noise and without seeking any human reward.”


"God knows everything, he can do everything, he knows the abyss of my pain and he loves me."

"God alone, who withstood the infinite burden of all sorrows, can soften them."

"Jesus does not ask us to seek pain, but when it comes, let us not reject it, it is a friend who must be understood... the soul can be made so beautiful when it passes through pain."

"I am in pain everywhere, everything hurts me, but I love you, O my God!..."

"Use my sorrows and my tears to make love and save us all..."

"Pain and suffering does not come from heaven, but the help and happiness does."

"Love turns all my pain into hope."


"My God, let your kingdom come, let your will be done in the parish as it is done in heaven.”


"Peace is good and a thousand times better than success.”

"Let us place our hope in God and we shall have peace.”


"There is so much that is poor in me. (...)
'Poverty, indeed,' Jesus told me...'but it is in Me.'”


"Let us not recite our prayers, let us pray them.”

"Who can say what truth, peace, strength, consolation and hope can be placed and infused in a soul through prayer? Prayer is not only light, it is also warmth and life.”

"In this world, physical activity has been denied me, but Jesus has given me the capacity to be active through prayer, to love through suffering and unknown sacrifices. To the world, it appears pointless, but in the eyes of God, how fruitful it is.”

"It is not the words I am thinking of sharing with you that will benefit the Work of God in you, but above all my prayer.”


"Jesus [...] chose the priest to embody him, to continue to be his presence with souls, to make him known and loved by his Word..."

"The choice of the vocation of the priest dedicates him to love.”

"O Father, may your holy spirit descend upon all your priests to teach them all things.”


"Being a beacon of increasing brightness... that radiates its goodness on the souls with overflowing love.”

"Often, all it takes is one soul full of faith to make it radiate everywhere, one soul full of light to dissipate the darkness, one soul full of love to see it overflow on all sides.”

"A soul can only give to others what overflows from itself, that is, the surplus that it has been given.
You can only get others to love Love to the extent that you possess it. Similarly, you can only shine out if you have the Truth, which is Light, in yourself.”


"My God, bless our retreat, bless the father who is preaching it... Bless all our retreatants, those of our past retreats and our future retreats...”


"We seek riches and we distance ourselves from the real treasure, we want to be satisfied and we do not go to the One who gives.”


"Oh! How immense is the abundance of grace, which God distributes to those who love him, to his loved-ones, when he comes to visit them in the sacraments!”


"Lord, I offer myself to you to be the living host of your love."

"Above all, let us not forget our self-offering!”


"How good is silence, how fruitful with God.”

"May our life be interior if we want it to be fruitful."

"O Mary! […] help me, help everyone to understand the great value of the silence in which you can hear God!”


"O Jesus, do not forsake sinners, remember that you are everything to save them.”


"Despite having been plunged, alas, into physical inaction, my life remains very intense; much more so than if I were physically active, because I live out the life of my soul.”

"God is master of his gifts […]. Each soul receives their great share... every soul is filled with graces.”

"When the beam of divine light settles upon a soul, it cannot depart from it, if it is willing, docile and confident.”

"You must never stay on the threshold of your soul, you must go inside, go down deep, spend time there reflecting, meditating and working on it and allow yourself to be shaped... in the encounter with God!”

"The soul is like the earth, it must be ploughed in order to be fertile.”


"I suffer, but I love and I believe.”

"Let us not create our own suffering. But when [...] it arrives, [...] may we bear it valiantly like Jesus, like Mary. Suffering only takes on the value given to it by the person suffering. Please, [...] let us not suffer for nothing: it is too sad. It is in suffering that faith is light, that hope affirms itself and that love grows.”


"What is important is to want nothing and accept everything, to ask for nothing and love everything.”

"Jesus wants it: I must become another Jesus! So, surrender, surrender! Surrender to Love!...”

"The great question of life is not what we want to do, but to find out and do what God asks and wants to do with us.”

"All our life rests in the hands of our Father in heaven [...], it depends on him all the time.”


"O Jesus, I would like to call out to everyone that you thirst for their love... for their sanctification.”

"O Lord, I am thirsty... I thirst for souls to save... I thirst for souls to sanctify... I thirst for the holiness of your priests... I thirst to make you loved.”


"All that is entrusted to God is well entrusted [...], all that is given to him is well placed, and in his hands everything becomes a treasure of great value.”

"I feel a huge desire to radiate the truth and spread love, to sow among other souls the spiritual treasures that well up in me every day.”

"The heart of Mary is a treasure that gives everything, only asking for a loving, generous and faithful soul to distribute its riches.”


"There is no fear when we love."

"I am yours, O my God, I trust in peace and faith which alone give hope and courage."


"For a truth to become part of us, we cannot go over it hastily; rather, we have to stop, think about it and spend some time with it.”


"May it be done! The days of waiting are days of grace!”


"The weaker I am, the stronger I feel! My soul is filled with the will of Jesus... That is why I am always profoundly at peace.”

"O heart of love, I fear everything in my weakness, but my hope has no limits in your power.
A God cannot abandon the fragile work of his hands, a Father cannot forget his children, a Saviour cannot allow his blood to be lost for no purpose.”


"Throughout the world, there are vast numbers of great and holy souls who work in the vineyard of the Lord and devote themselves to the harvest of charity and discipleship for the greater glory of God.”


"O infinitely tender heart of Jesus, may I always be the one who is watchful with you, who is watchful for you and who prays for your people.”


"All my zeal, I will devote it to propagating his reign, converting sinners and deepening my personal sanctification... in order to do much good without knowing it.”

Prayers, words and writtings of Marthe Robin Read the “Journal”

Le cheminement intérieur de Marthe Robin est dévoilé grâce à la publication de son "Journal". Découvrez-le en ligne...

The Foyers de Charité VIDEO : Find out about the spiritual retreats in 3 minutes

The Foyers de Charité VIDEO : Découvrir les retraites spirituelles en 3...

Beatification Marthe Robin declared “venerable” by Pope Francis

Une étape essentielle vers une possible béatification...

Her message Rekindling the love that is dying out in the world

« Je t’ai choisie pour ranimer dans le monde l’Amour qui s’éteint », dira le Christ à Marthe. Elle-même...

Prayers, words and writtings of Marthe Robin Prayer of Marthe Robin: O beloved Mother

Ô Mère Bien-Aimée, vous qui connaissez si bien les voies de la Sainteté et de l’Amour, apprenez-nous...

Immense influence Marthe, the Second Vatican Council and the vocation of each baptised person

« Marthe Robin peut être considérée comme une sorte de sage-femme ayant participé à la naissance (…) »

Her message The unconditional love of God for every individual

Les milliers de témoignages concernant la façon dont Marthe accueillait ceux qui venaient la voir sont unanimes...

Her life Complete chronology

Principales dates de la vie de Marthe Robin (1902-1981)

Her legacy The Foyers de Charité

La création des Foyers de Charité repose sur la rencontre de Marthe Robin et d’un prêtre, le père Georges Finet, en 1936. Aujourd’hui présents dans une quarantaine de pays, les Foyers de Charité...

God, a loving and compassionate Father St Thérèse, a “big sister” for Marthe Robin

Entre Marthe Robin et Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux, il existe une relation si forte qu'on peut parler d'amitié ou de parenté spirituelle...

Testimony Sophie Guex : Comment se déroulaient les “passions” de Marthe Robin ?

[VIDEO] Les carnets du père Faure nous permettent de retracer les "Passions" vécues par Marthe Robin...

The communities linked to Marthe Robin VIDEO “Marthe est une grande soeur pour moi !” Raphaël Cornu-Thénard

Interview de Raphaël Cornu-Thénard (Anuncio - Congrès Mission) sur la place de Marthe Robin dans sa vie de "disciple-missionnaire" engagé dans la nouvelle évangélisation...

The essentials about Marthe Robin
Nothing predisposed this young woman of the Drôme countryside to become one of the central figures of the spiritual renewal of the Church in France. She radiated with a love that transfigured her life that spanned the 20th century.
"I have chosen to rekindle the love that is dying out in the world". These words of Christ to Marthe Robin summarise her mission, which is to reveal the unconditional love of God for everyone.
Marthe Robin's legacy is immense. It lives on today through many communities and movements in the Church, but more particularly across the world through the Foyers de Charité.
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Groupe de prières Prier à Paris avec Marthe Robin Paroisse Saint Christophe de Javel (Paris)
Groupe de prières Prier à Paris avec Marthe Robin Paroisse Saint Christophe de Javel (Paris)
Veillée Marthe Robin Veillée Espérance avec Marthe Robin dans le cadre du Festival Marial Notre Dame du Laus (F - 05 130 Saint-Etienne-le Laus), à 20h30
See all the agenda
See all the news