Le cheminement intérieur de Marthe Robin est dévoilé grâce à la publication de son "Journal". Découvrez-le en ligne...
So what did Marthe Robin do that was so extraordinary that she is still referred to today as one of the most important spiritual figures of her century? Actually, the question should be put differently: It is not what Marthe did that makes her so exceptional; rather, it is what Marthe.was.
I would like to be everywhere at once in order to proclaim over and over again how good is our God, how much he loves humankind and how tender and compassionate he is for everyone.
Nothing predisposed this young woman of the Drôme countryside to become one of the central figures of the spiritual renewal of the Church in France. Marthe Robin, who was born in 1902 and whose life spanned the 20th century, radiated with a love that transfigured her life. During the 79 years of her life marked by illness and the progressive paralysis of her whole body, she was a witness to the triumph of love over suffering. Over the years, more than 100,000 visitors crowded to her bedside, moved by her loving, caring heart that made God present and led them to him in a very simple way.
Marthe suffered very much and for a very long time : for 63 years, the encephalitis that struck her progressed over time in stages, then seemed to lessen only for it to come back, making her even sicker than before. Little by little, the rumour spread about this young mystic who lived in a dark room on a farm in the Drôme region who welcomed with kindness the worries and trials of everyone, giving her advice and encouragement. The crowds flocked to her. Marthe transformed her pain into empathy for others, and her visitors came to her for consolation. Many of them even had an authentic conversion experience.
Marthe Robin was never able to leave the room of her birthplace of Châteauneuf-de Galaure. Yet, even today, thousands of people from all over the world are inspired by her example and find a source of spiritual nourishment for their lives in the spiritual way that she initiated. A paradox that can be compared to that of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus (the "Little Thérèse" of Lisieux) who, having never left her convent, became the patron saint of missionaries.
From the outside, Marthe's life seems useless or, worse still, absurd. But she was transfigured by the love , that she received from her union with God and that she generously gave to others. She initiated an immense work, the most visible part of which is the Foyers de Charité, that pursues the mission of simply and warmly welcoming those who seek a break in order to find new meaning in their lives. In Marthe Robin, the power of God was manifested in her weakness and fragility.

13 march Birth of Marthe Robin -
summer Early symptoms of the disease -
15 october Act of surrender -
october Marthe is totally bedridden -
25 december Beginning of Marthe Robin's "Journal" -
10 february Birth of the Foyers de Charité -
6 february Death of Marthe Robin -
10 february Opening of the Cause of Beatification -
7 November Marthe Robin was declared Venerable by Pope Francis