Le cheminement intérieur de Marthe Robin est dévoilé grùce à la publication de son "Journal". Découvrez-le en ligne...
God, a loving and compassionate Father
Revealing to the world who is God
At the heart of the life of Marthe Robin, there is this passion for God's love, this fervent desire to make him known as he truly is: "I would like to be everywhere at once in order to proclaim over and over again how good is our God, how much he loves humankind and how tender and compassionate he is with everyone." However, when she dictated this sentence at the age of 28, Marthe was sick. Her daily life was painful, her future uncertain and she had experienced many years of suffering and humiliation.
Immersed in the love of God, she experienced a Father who is full of kindness, love and compassion. Her daily life was transfigured by this. She burned with desire to share this good news with all those who came to see her.
God is good, God is Father, God loves us
Marthe's message is simple: "God is good. God is Father. God loves us.â
He is for everyone: believers and non-believers... The most difficult thing is for each one of us to become conscious of this in our personal lives and gain a deeper understanding of this. But we must also want to... Despite all the disabilities that initially disqualified her, Marthe preceded us on this path. Every day, she wanted and chose to live in this light: God is good. God is my Father. God loves me.

We must believe in the good Lord, we must believe in his heart, in his goodness, in his love. We must believe, even when pain overwhelms us, even when suffering crushes us, even when death visits us, even when doubt plagues us. Yes, believe in the heart of God, even if it seems to abandon us. Believe in his fatherly providence, even if all would lead us to doubt it. Believe that he loves us even when he is far away from us. Believe that he is the faithful friend at all times, even though he permits the trials we face [âŠ]. Believe that he prays for us, that he is near us and that he will make us feel his presence sooner or later.
The experience of God's Love
Marthe Robin's entire life was an experience of love. Marthe allowed herself to be seized by love. A love that she did not generate, but that she received from God himself, a caring love that is life-giving.
This is how she experienced the love of Christ as a friend, a brother and a husband, received in the Eucharist. In her, God made himself close through Jesus Christ. By this experience, she completely refutes the idea that God is distant from mankind, that he is indifferent or dangerous.
She experienced the infinite love of the Father. In a world that is often devoid of fatherly love, she experienced the affection of God as Father in an incredible way. In this way, she is following in the footsteps of ThérÚse of the Child Jesus. She was one of the architects of the "return to the Father" which is one of the beautiful aspects of contemporary French Catholicism. She was also one of the architects of the tender presence of Mary. Marthe had a relationship with the Virgin the intensity, simplicity and continuity of which is rare. Our Lady's relationship with her was truly that of a kind-hearted, understanding, active, considerate mother.
I would like to be everywhere at once in order to proclaim over and over again how good is our God, how much he loves humankind and how tender and compassionate he is with everyone.
Marthe's life was therefore immersed in love, that is, she was in the constant presence of the Holy Spirit. The relationship with God must switch from one of fear to one of love, from a distant relationship to an intimate one. This requires some effort on our part; God then leads us much further...