Le cheminement intérieur de Marthe Robin est dévoilé grùce à la publication de son "Journal". Découvrez-le en ligne...
The unconditional love of God for every individual
A vision of hope for man and the world
Marthe had a beautiful and positive vision of the world and of life. Her hope was founded in God.
Her own experience and the way she welcomed those who came to see her bear witness to the beauty and dignity of every individual, whatever their circumstances, frailties and limitations.
Our life is precious! It is beautiful!
Every life is a gift
Marthe had an extremely positive vision of the human person. She knew how precious each person is in the eyes of God: every person is a child of God, and Jesus shed his blood for each one.
"A Father cannot forget his children, a Saviour cannot allow his blood to be lost for no purpose.â
This love and respect for every human being, because she knew God's love for each and every one, is reflected in the way she welcomed the people who came to see her.
Each person is unique
For Marthe, each person was unique. Marthe never treated people in a "systematic" way. She had a sense of reality, of the practical concerns and circumstances of people and she paid attention to details: "The Good Lord never repeats himself," she would say, "he has given each one their own shades of character."
Marthe asked questions, was interested in her interlocutor and listened attentively to what they had to say. A person, who came to see her many times, said, "If only you knew the sense of trust and how comfortable it felt to be with such a loving and attentive person, who made God present and led you to him in a very simple way!â
The love for each person, which shined through her, came from the Lord, to whom she had given herself entirely since the age of 23: "My God, take my mind and all its memories, take my heart and all its affections, take my intelligence and all its faculties, may it serve only to your greater glory..."
The Lord used Marthe's heart to let his own heart overflowâŠ

The Good Lord never repeats himself, he has given each one their own shades of character.
To love is to give of oneself
Moreover, Marthe was so aware of the greatness of the human person that she did not hesitate to give herself entirely for good, healing and helping people to grow:
If I could sell myself to save souls and give them to God, I think I would sell. Because it is utterly impossible to perceive life in any other way, to use it for any other purpose than to snatch souls from the darkness of death and bring them to light, life, love and God. How many poor men and women [...] are living in such great unhappiness, sorrow and sometimes such desperate circumstances, and yet they are capable of becoming so pure, so radiant, so beautiful and so great in love.
The infinite mercy of God, conqueror of evil
Marthe, who fully engaged in this struggle against evil and suffered for the sins of the world every week, was not unaware that the human person can be corrupted by evil. However, above and beyond that evil, she could see the extraordinary mercy of God.
O my Jesus, so many sins! But your mercy is infinite.
Consequently, there was no limit to her audacity⊠For her, there was no such thing as a "hopeless" case. In welcoming someone she would, above all, encourage and find a way of restoring hope. But her words would do more than simply invite the person to be positive. Marthe would prompt a movement of trust and hope rooted in the certainty that God is the Master of the impossible and can triumph over the greatest evil.
The mercy of God surpasses all his works, and he performs his greatest masterpieces of love in the midst of the greatest human misery.