Her message

The unconditional love of God for every individual

Although Marthe Robin showed nothing of the suffering that tormented her, she did not do it to demonstrate her own heroism or so that people would praise her for her courage, but to ensure that nothing would block the river of love that flowed from God through her to each one of her visitors.

One should never reject a soul that God brings to us because he always does it for some important reason.

The thousands of testimonies about the way Marthe received those who came to see her were unanimous: Marthe welcomed each person as a unique individual, did not have set phrases and really took the time to make each person welcome. She asked questions, was interested in her interlocutor and listened attentively to what they had to say.

A person, who came to see her many times, said :
« [If only you knew] the sense of trust and how comfortable it felt to be with such a loving and attentive person, who made God present and led you to him in a very simple way!" »

Marthe led others to contemplate the love of the Father

Rather than showing the extent of Christ's suffering to her peers through her own body tortured by illness, Marthe showed the love of the Father. She provided a glimpse of the great hope that inspired her.

One cannot imagine the amount of suffering and sins that Marthe's visitors confided in her during her life! And yet, she never condemned anybody; She would always show the path of the God's mercy, without taking the easy route of playing down the sin disclosed. She preferred to focus on the Lord's infinite capacity for forgiveness and love: « O my Jesus, so many sins! But your mercy is infinite», she wrote.

She gave encouragement and restored hope

For her, there was no such thing as a "hopeless" case. In welcoming someone she would, above all, encourage and find a way of restoring hope. But her words would do more than simply invite the person to be positive. Marthe would prompt a movement of trust in God rooted in the certainty that he is the Master of the impossible and can triumph over the greatest evil: « The mercy of God surpasses all his works, and he performs his greatest masterpieces of love in the midst of the greatest human misery. »


«The mercy of God surpasses all his works, and he performs his greatest masterpieces of love in the midst of the greatest human misery.»

Meeting Marthe

Although every conversation with Marthe was unique, they followed a common pattern...

Marthe was filled with compassion. She listened to people's accounts of suffering to the point of crying sometimes. She knew how to console people in an exceptionally loving way. She was entrusted with many prayer intentions and the power of her intercession was often perceptible. Seemingly desperate situations, in many different domains, would be resolved or sorted out after she prayed.

Through these countless lives that were transformed by meeting her, God made the gift of his mercy tangible and came to meet every person, regardless of their circumstances.

I now know the purest joy, that of living for others and for their happiness.

Prayers, words and writtings of Marthe Robin Read the “Journal”

Le cheminement intérieur de Marthe Robin est dévoilé grâce à la publication de son "Journal". Découvrez-le en ligne...

The Foyers de Charité VIDEO : Find out about the spiritual retreats in 3 minutes

The Foyers de Charité VIDEO : Découvrir les retraites spirituelles en 3...

Beatification Marthe Robin declared “venerable” by Pope Francis

Une étape essentielle vers une possible béatification...

Her message Rekindling the love that is dying out in the world

« Je t’ai choisie pour ranimer dans le monde l’Amour qui s’éteint », dira le Christ à Marthe. Elle-même...

Prayers, words and writtings of Marthe Robin Prayer of Marthe Robin: O beloved Mother

Ô Mère Bien-Aimée, vous qui connaissez si bien les voies de la Sainteté et de l’Amour, apprenez-nous...

Immense influence Marthe, the Second Vatican Council and the vocation of each baptised person

« Marthe Robin peut être considérée comme une sorte de sage-femme ayant participé à la naissance (…) »

Her message The unconditional love of God for every individual

Les milliers de témoignages concernant la façon dont Marthe accueillait ceux qui venaient la voir sont unanimes...

Her life Complete chronology

Principales dates de la vie de Marthe Robin (1902-1981)

Her legacy The Foyers de Charité

La création des Foyers de Charité repose sur la rencontre de Marthe Robin et d’un prêtre, le père Georges Finet, en 1936. Aujourd’hui présents dans une quarantaine de pays, les Foyers de Charité...

God, a loving and compassionate Father St Thérèse, a “big sister” for Marthe Robin

Entre Marthe Robin et Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux, il existe une relation si forte qu'on peut parler d'amitié ou de parenté spirituelle...

Testimony Sophie Guex : Comment se déroulaient les “passions” de Marthe Robin ?

[VIDEO] Les carnets du père Faure nous permettent de retracer les "Passions" vécues par Marthe Robin...

The communities linked to Marthe Robin VIDEO “Marthe est une grande soeur pour moi !” Raphaël Cornu-Thénard

Interview de Raphaël Cornu-Thénard (Anuncio - Congrès Mission) sur la place de Marthe Robin dans sa vie de "disciple-missionnaire" engagé dans la nouvelle évangélisation...

The essentials about Marthe Robin
Nothing predisposed this young woman of the Drôme countryside to become one of the central figures of the spiritual renewal of the Church in France. She radiated with a love that transfigured her life that spanned the 20th century.
"I have chosen to rekindle the love that is dying out in the world". These words of Christ to Marthe Robin summarise her mission, which is to reveal the unconditional love of God for everyone.
Marthe Robin's legacy is immense. It lives on today through many communities and movements in the Church, but more particularly across the world through the Foyers de Charité.
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Groupe de prières Prier à Paris avec Marthe Robin Paroisse Saint Christophe de Javel (Paris)
Groupe de prières Prier à Paris avec Marthe Robin Paroisse Saint Christophe de Javel (Paris)
Veillée Marthe Robin Veillée Espérance avec Marthe Robin dans le cadre du Festival Marial Notre Dame du Laus (F - 05 130 Saint-Etienne-le Laus), à 20h30
See all the agenda
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